This photo is taken from a YouTube video of the San Francisco Pride March in 2017. These transgender-identified heterosexual men are brandishing weapons and making threats against anyone who would exclude them from women’s spaces. The main target for their rage is lesbians who refuse to have sex with them because they are men and have penises. That’s not a joke. The majority of the transgender movement is comprised of heterosexual men called “autogynephiles” because of their sexual attraction to themselves in the form of a woman.
Crowdfund me now to do this work full-time to undo the transgender coup.
Click the “Donate” button below and give a one-time donation, or subscribe in any amount.
Just 300 subscribers at $10 a month will allow me to start this job full-time. With that financial security, I can create an organization that can win donations from large donors and foundations, and build a movement that will undo the transgender coup with an agenda that is good for everyone. I can create a company that will advise Republican candidates on how to rise above Democrat charges that they are transphobic, which will keep Democrats from getting the power to impose the transgender coup in law. This is especially important at the local and state levels. Transgender activists announced last year they are pouring $26 million into six battleground states, with special attention on local and state elections.
This is an urgent plea because for the last few months, I was promised major financial help so I acted in accordance with the belief these promises would be kept. Then I found out this week that they won’t. The money I expecting won’t come. Now I have overdue bills to pay to keep the lights, heat, and Internet on, plus my mortgage.
So I’m looking for the people passionate enough about saving children from being wrongfully transitioned to click the button below and donate.
I’m looking for people who are passionate enough about repealing transgender activist speech codes that require people to lie about their sex to click the button below and donate.
I’m looking for my tribe.
Why should you crowdfund me with your donations and subscriptions?
I can do this.
For starters, since I’m a conservative lesbian, transgender activists can’t accuse me of prejudice without bringing up the topic of their brutal treatment of lesbians.
I live in Iowa, which has a Republican-majority state legislature and Republican governor. I live in a town where I have a good chance of developing local support. I’ve established relationships with important national and state groups of social conservatives. I’m an expert on the topic. I’m writing a book, War in the Women’s Room: How to Get Men in Dresses Out of Women’s Spaces, Save Your Children from Confusion About Their Sex, and Undo the Transgender Coup, which will be published by DANGEROUS Books later this year.
Also, I have a global platform now because I just started writing for the new conservative news site, DANGEROUS, with a mandate to expose the truth about transgender activism and show there’s a positive way forward instead of the destructive one they are enacting by deceit and force. In my first post I gave an overview of autogynephilia. In my second one, I was the only journalist on the national stage to point out the transgender-identified man making news for breastfeeding a baby was fulfilling a common sexual fantasy of autogynephiles.
At DANGEROUS, I asked for my compensation to come entirely from reader donations because I believe readers will donate generously when they wake up to the peril they’re in from the transgender coup. Plus, the number of donations I receive, the number of subscriptions I have, and the total amounts donated will show big donors and foundations that giving to me to undo the transgender coup has passionate grassroots support.
I wouldn’t be able to prove that if I took the usual offer of payment based on traffic generated. Passion comes first, then traffic.
Please click the “Donate” button below because it takes money to undo the transgender coup. Thank you.
UPDATE, 2/25/18, Sun.: If there are technical difficulties with the “Donate” button, please click HERE to donate using my PayPalMe link. Thank you!
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